Open Chemistry Presentation
Here is a link to a presentation on communication strategies of open chemists in comparison to traditional chemists.
This blog chronicles the research of the UsefulChem project in the Bradley lab at Drexel University. The main project currently involves the synthesis of novel anti-malarial compounds. The work is done under Open Notebook Science conditions with the actual detailed lab notebook located at More general comments posted here relate to Open Science, especially when associated with chemistry.
Here is a link to a presentation on communication strategies of open chemists in comparison to traditional chemists.
This should be of interest to anyone interested in scientific communication and Open Science:
Everybody with a scientific background is invited to participate. There is no registration fee payable. Have a look at our media to get an overview of the topics and speakers. Participating is quite easy: Please read the document in our info folder and make yourself familiar with the concept and conditions. After that you can create an account. Our media will be online starting from Monday, December 4 , 2006, 09:00 (CET). Until December 8 , 2006, 16:00 (CET) registered members can leave comments, discuss online and contribute with own content.
Bill Hooker just posted his second installment on Open Science.
In Part 1 of this essay, I gave an outline of the scholarly publishing practice/philosophy known as Open Access; here I want to examine ways in which the central concept of OA, the "open" part, is being expanded to encompass all of science.
My personal favourite (term and practice) is Open Notebook Science, but this seems better suited to being the name of the most open subset of Open Science practices since, as with Open Access, it is likely that a range of applications will co-exist and co-evolve.
...there will now be a third instalment. In that piece I will try to show what Open Science looks like now, in its infancy, and to sketch some of the directions in which it might grow.
You will notice a new search box on top of this blog. I finally got around to creating a Google co-op search site for all the websites related to UsefulChem. This includes all these:
The Journal of Visualized Experiments offers biologists the chance to observe the dissection of fruitfly ovaries without feeling too squeamish, find out exactly how to monitor actin disassembly with time-lapse microscopy, and even see how human embryonic stem cells are frozen for subsequent research. The science videos must save bio labs a lot of teaching time and costs for their grad student and post-doc training.
Although there has been a lot of attention lately on chemistry blogs, lets not forget about the old school technologies like mailing lists.
Best thing in my experience is to keep a bath of MeOH/conc.HCl(~2:1) in your fume hood and wash everything in that before you take anything out of the fume hood. An acid wash will destroy the isocyanides , i.e.hydrolyse them to the formamide or amine and thus eliminate the smell. Very occasionally you may find that you have leave things to soak in the bath over night - but usually this is not necessary. You'll find the more rigorous your wash and containment routine is with isocyanides the happier your lab-mates will be!
All gloves, glasswares and contaminated materials can be conveniently dumped in a 10% aqueous solution of Ferrous Sulphate (commercial) kept in a HDPE drum. Keep for 10 mts, wash with water.Some suggest dil Hypochlorite ( but certainly I do not prefer )
You can test to satisfaction.
I spent some time today going over EXP042, the experiment done by Khalid and Lin recently to monitor by NMR the formation of an imine by mixing phenylacetaldehyde and t-butylamine in CDCl3. Since we have recently figured out how to save all of our NMR spectra in JCAMP format and view them using Robert Lancashire's JSpecView, I thought it would be a good idea to do a brief screencast demonstrating how this wonderful software can be used in a real chemistry experiment.
As pointed out by Peter and Joerg, the chemical blogosphere is getting more and more populated. This represents a great opportunity for collaboration. Indeed, there have been some examples of chemists asking for information and getting advice on blogs. Chemistry forums and mailing lists have served this purpose as well for some time.
An interesting discussion about Open Source and Open Data in chemistry has popped up in the comments on a post on Egon's chem-bla-ics blog. It is important that we make our assumptions explicit when using these terms. Peter has taken the step of creating a Wikipedia entry for Open Data, providing a place for defining the terms we use. For example, I have added a detailed explanation of what I mean when using the term Open Notebook Science. When using the terms Open Source Science or Open Science in the past, I was pretty much using the definition I now use explicitly for ONS. It was confusing when people would use these terms but not provide any links to raw data.
In chemistry OD and OS (Bradley-like) overlap and are perhaps even synonymous. So in a sense Open Chemistry could be called simply OD. The added dimension in chemistry is the physical sample. Unfortunately the cost of transmission or replication is non-zero (unlike information and software). In some disciplines (e.g. microbiology) there is a real physical sharing of smaples (culture types). Does J-C have views on physical samples.
We are happy to share compounds that we can spare, as long as their use is reported openly (including failed experiments)