Wednesday, October 05, 2011

MiniSymposium Bradley Lab 2011

I recently presented a 15 minute summary of the current research in my lab on September 29, 2011 at the Drexel University Department of Chemistry Faculty Mini-Symposium. The main project discussed was the Open Melting Point Collection done in collaboration with Andrew Lang and Antony Williams. Work by Evan Curtin is also shown, demonstrating the application of melting point and solubility in reaction design. I'll discuss this imine synthesis project in more detail later but Evan's experiments are listed in the notebook.


  1. When I stopped by to visit your blog via @scio12 (paying a "blog call"), I realized that I have heard this podcast while in a course on online teaching of science just recently! Now that I teach science online, this information is valuable.

    Just wanted to say "Hi" and to give you a shoutout on twitter (I'm @sciencegoddess). I look forward to seeing you in January!

  2. Joanne - thanks! Lets make sure to take some time to chat at scio12. Your blog is excellent!
