Tuesday, April 24, 2007

First DTP-NCI Compound Submission

As I mentioned earlier, we were interested in getting our compounds screened by the Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP) at the National Cancer Institute. The first entry is now done and from what I understand it will be 8-10 business days before we get a request for the compound after they check for uniqueness.

This is good timing because it really is time to gather up all of the isolated and characterized compounds in UsefulChem on one page, which is now linked on the left navigation bar on the wiki. This page should also be used by other people interested in screening who want to quickly see what we have on hand. Right now we have a few boc protected and deprotected Ugi products, and these will be added to the page shortly.

Dan has also joined the wiki and created a page to detail the DTP-NCI process. He is inviting us to comment on the process there to understand and improve it.

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At 9:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

JC, Just to let you know that your molecules have been downloaded and added to ChemSPider. THey have NOT yet been indexed for exact structure or substructure searching but this will be done shortly. See http://www.chemspider.com/RecordView.aspx?id=10671540 as an example

At 7:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The folks at Indiana have done a lot of cool stuff that is well worth looking at. One thing they have running in a preliminary form is a service that predicts a compound's activity in cell lines in the screen. This compound is predicted to be inactive in the cell lines in the prediction. I actually don't think that is a bad result. We probably should put up a place to discuss screens and screening strategy, but essentially a prediction tools such as this summarizes what is known. A compound that is predicted to be inactive, but turns out to be active is much more likely to show you something new and interesting than a compound that is predicted to be active and is active.


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